Privilege & Allyship Virtual Classroom

We all have many aspects of identity and our identities influence our experiences and how we view the world.  As we strive for more equitable workplaces, it’s important to explore the concept of identity and the role identity plays in our social relationships and dynamics of power and privilege. In this virtual classroom you’ll explore the privilege associated with different forms of identity and how you can leverage that privilege on behalf of others and in pursuit of equity and justice.

This training is designed to help employees at all levels recognize their individual positions of privilege and how they can leverage that privilege on behalf of others and in efforts aimed at creating more fair and equitable workplaces.

This PowerPoint is designed as a support tool for the individual facilitating the Privilege & Allyship Virtual Classroom. Please see the complete facilitator guide above.

Exercises, worksheets, and follow-along materials to provide to attendees prior to participating in the virtual classroom workshop.

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