
Back Pocket Exercise: Intent Versus Impact


What is the Intent Versus Impact Exercise?

The Intent Versus Impact Exercise is an interactive exercise designed to help participants explore the unintended impact of their words, actions and decisions.

Who is it designed for?

This tool is designed to be used by diversity and inclusion practitioners and trainers. Some facilitation skill is required to lead a successful conversation.

How can you use it?

This exercise could be used as a standalone exercise or incorporated into a diversity and inclusion training program. This exercise can be effectively executed in 30 minutes.

This exercise can be effectively executed in 30 minutes.

Exercise Objectives:
Most people do not intend to exclude or limit the success of their coworkers or other people they know. Nonetheless, our decisions and actions can have unintended impact that can detract from inclusion.

Impact matters – As individuals we need to be aware of the potential impact of our words and actions.

The Intent Versus Impact Model and exercise can help you predict and solve for unintended impact. While this is a proactive tool designed to help you predict and edit behavior before it happens, it can be used to strategize a response to unintended impact that already occurred.

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