
Unconscious Bias Exercise


What is the Recognizing and Managing Bias: A Managers Guide to Inclusive Leadership?
The Recognizing and Managing Bias is an exercise designed to help managers recognize bias in others and in themselves – an important step in the process of becoming a more inclusive leader. The tool uses a series of scenarios as a way to safely explore the concept of bias and what managers can do to eliminate bias form there decision making process.

Who is it designed for?
This tool is designed to serve as a workshop template to be used by diversity and inclusion practitioners and trainers. Some facilitation skill is required to lead a successful meeting. The intended audience is managers.

How can you use it?
This meeting agenda can be used as part of a regularly scheduled D&I training or can be offered as stand-alone training. This tool can be delivered by anyone with facilitation skills but the facilitator will be most effective if he/she has some knowledge of unconscious bias.  Tools to enhance subject knowledge are provided on the Inclusion Learning Loop™.

This exercise can be effectively executed in 1.5 – 2 hours depending on the size of the group.

Exercise objectives:
This unconscious bias meeting agenda is designed to help individuals recognize and manage bias within themselves and others.

  • Deepen your understanding of conscious and unconscious bias
  • Develop tools for recognizing bias in yourself and others
  • Gain strategies for eliminating bias from your decision-making process
  • Create a set of actions for dealing with bias in your personal interactions

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