Inclusion Learning Loop Resources

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The Leveraging Your ERG presentation and exercise provides a framework to strategically leverage your engagement in an ERG in support of your personal development and career goals.  The goal is to boost ERG engagement by demonstrating the benefits.

This tool is designed for ERG leaders and members.  ERG leaders can deliver this to members as a way to encourage active participation in the ERG.

November 1, 2023

Responding with Emotional Intelligence Exercise

Back Pocket Exercises

Interactive Exercise

Inclusive Leadership

This exercise uses independent work and dialogue to explore the difference between sympathy, empathy, and compassion – and understanding that different situations may call for different reactions or responses.

April 25, 2023

The Getting to Know You Bingo game is a great icebreaker or team building exercise. We developed this version with virtual teams / remote workers in mind. The Bingo squares are designed to help employees get to know teammates and coworkers who work remotely or in other regions or offices.

August 25, 2022

The mere idea of self-promotion can be extremely uncomfortable for most people.  This exercise uses the art of storytelling – specifically telling someone else’s story – as a way to practice the art of personal promotion, view your success through another person’s eyes and utilize that story to craft a more powerful version of your own story.

Celeste Headlee has worked as a radio host for decades, and she knows the ingredients of a great conversation. Participants will listen to her Ted Talk and engage in interactive discussion and practice exercises to advance the concepts shared in her talk.

The Intent versus Impact Exercise is an interactive exercise designed to help participants explore the unintended impact of their words, actions and decisions.

The We Choose You: Exploring Organizational Norms and Biases Exercise is a 30-minute experiential activity designed to help participants recognize the existence of organizational norms and biases that may be limiting the opportunity and success of marginalized employees.

The Hiring Decisions Exercise is a 30-minute experiential activity designed to help participants recognize the existence of personal assumptions and unconscious biases and the impact on behavior and decisions.

This well-known exercise is a fun, interactive team-building exercise used to help teams uncover individual strengths in order to improve overall team effectiveness.

The Power of Privilege Exercise is an interactive exercise designed to help participants explore the emotions associated with exclusion and how one can leverage his or her privilege to promote inclusion.

The End in Mind Exercise is a quick 20-minute ideation activity to help participants create a plan or solution by starting with the end in mind and working backwards.

In this short video Marshall Goldsmith explains the role we as individuals play in our own engagement. This exercise walks you through a step-by-step process for finding purpose and meaning in your work.

The Impact of Exclusion Exercise is an interactive exercise designed to help participants explore the emotions associated with exclusion. It provides a safe and fun experience to build awareness and understanding of how exclusive behavior and conversely inclusive behavior can impact coworkers.

The What Would You Do exercise is a 45-minute experiential activity designed to help participants recognize and address non-inclusive behavior, deal with conflict, and work together to problem-solve. Through discussion participants will more deeply understand the impact of exclusion, how to be an ally, and how to leverage their influence and privilege as managers to drive culture change.

This framework will help you describe how your Diversity Council will add value to the organization and your employees. Your value framework is going to inform your strategic planning process and will help ensure that all the programs, events and activities support your D&I strategic objectives and overall business goals.

Diversity Council Brainstorming Exercise

Back Pocket Exercises

Interactive Exercise

DEI Council


The Diversity Council Back-pocket exercise is a 20-minute exercise to facilitate idea generation and decision making process.

The Word Association Exercise is a 30-minute ideation activity to help participants leverage diversity of thought and the infusion of multiple ideas into the idea generation process. The idea is to use the associations of random words to form connections and solutions to challenges or to generate new ideas.

The Card Game is a quick 15-minute ideation activity to help participants leverage diversity of thought and the infusion of multiple ideas into the idea generation process. The idea is to have the group, in a round-robin style lend their ideas to a challenge.

The Level Playing Field exercise is a 15-minute experiential activity designed to illustrate the concept of privilege and the advantages privilege provides to some.

The Who Am I exercise is a 30-minute experiential activity designed to help participants recognize the existence of personal assumptions and unconscious biases and the impact on behavior and decisions.

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