Inclusion Learning Loop Resources

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The Power of Privilege Exercise is an interactive exercise designed to help participants explore the emotions associated with exclusion and how one can leverage his or her privilege to promote inclusion.

August 25, 2022

Developing Direct Reports Conversation Starter

Dialogue Drivers

Interactive Exercise

Inclusive Leadership

Talent Management

This Developing Direct Reports Conversation Starter is designed to help leaders and managers understand the impact and importance of inclusion in employee development.

This well-known exercise is a fun, interactive team-building exercise used to help teams uncover individual strengths in order to improve overall team effectiveness.

The End in Mind Exercise is a quick 20-minute ideation activity to help participants create a plan or solution by starting with the end in mind and working backwards.

A discussion guide for leading a Hidden Figures movie screening and follow up conversation.

The Inclusion Learning Loop™ ERG Strategic Planning Blueprint is an action planning exercise to support ERG leaders in the strategic planning process. The blueprint and worksheet pose key questions and ideas that must be explored throughout the creation of the annual business/strategic plan.

The subject of race can be very touchy. As finance executive Mellody Hobson says, it’s a “conversational third rail.” But, she says, that’s exactly why we need to start talking about it. In this engaging, persuasive talk, Hobson makes the case that speaking openly about race — and particularly about diversity in hiring — makes for better businesses and a better society.

The Impact of Exclusion Exercise is an interactive exercise designed to help participants explore the emotions associated with exclusion. It provides a safe and fun experience to build awareness and understanding of how exclusive behavior and conversely inclusive behavior can impact coworkers.

In this short video Marshall Goldsmith explains the role we as individuals play in our own engagement. This exercise walks you through a step-by-step process for finding purpose and meaning in your work.

Your ERG branding and communications strategy is not much different than any other branding strategy and therefore you can easily apply the marketing mix or 4 Ps of a marketing strategy. Below you will find a template, example and worksheet.

We believe we should work hard in order to be happy, but could we be thinking about things backwards? In this fast-moving and very funny talk, psychologist Shawn Achor argues that, actually, happiness inspires us to be more productive.

The What Would You Do exercise is a 45-minute experiential activity designed to help participants recognize and address non-inclusive behavior, deal with conflict, and work together to problem-solve. Through discussion participants will more deeply understand the impact of exclusion, how to be an ally, and how to leverage their influence and privilege as managers to drive culture change.

This framework will help you describe how your Diversity Council will add value to the organization and your employees. Your value framework is going to inform your strategic planning process and will help ensure that all the programs, events and activities support your D&I strategic objectives and overall business goals.

Diversity Council Brainstorming Exercise

Back Pocket Exercises

Interactive Exercise

DEI Council


The Diversity Council Back-pocket exercise is a 20-minute exercise to facilitate idea generation and decision making process.

The Word Association Exercise is a 30-minute ideation activity to help participants leverage diversity of thought and the infusion of multiple ideas into the idea generation process. The idea is to use the associations of random words to form connections and solutions to challenges or to generate new ideas.

The Card Game is a quick 15-minute ideation activity to help participants leverage diversity of thought and the infusion of multiple ideas into the idea generation process. The idea is to have the group, in a round-robin style lend their ideas to a challenge.

This business alignment conversation starter is designed to help managers and their teams recognize opportunities to leverage diversity – particularly diversity of thought – to improve business results.

Stanley McChrystal: Listen, Learn…then Lead

Interactive Exercise

Ted Talks

Inclusive Leadership

Four-star general Stanley McChrystal shares what he learned about leadership over his decades in the military. How can you build a sense of shared purpose among people of many ages and skill sets? By listening and learning — and addressing the possibility of failure.

The Level Playing Field exercise is a 15-minute experiential activity designed to illustrate the concept of privilege and the advantages privilege provides to some.

Margaret Heffernan: Why it’s Time to Forget the Pecking Order at Work

Interactive Exercise

Ted Talks


Employee Engagement


Inclusive Leadership

Organizational Culture

Organizations are often run according to “the superchicken model,” where the value is placed on star employees who outperform others. And yet, this isn’t what drives the most high-achieving teams. Business leader Margaret Heffernan observes that it is social cohesion — built over every coffee break, every time one team member asks another for help — that leads over time to great results. It’s a radical rethink of what drives us to do our best work, and what it means to be a leader. Because as Heffernan points out: “Companies don’t have ideas. Only people do.”

The Who Am I exercise is a 30-minute experiential activity designed to help participants recognize the existence of personal assumptions and unconscious biases and the impact on behavior and decisions.

The Recognizing and Managing Bias is an exercise designed to help managers recognize bias in others and in themselves – an important step in the process of becoming a more inclusive leader. The tool uses a series of scenarios as a way to safely explore the concept of bias and what managers can do to eliminate bias form there decision making process.

The Overcoming Bias Discussion guide is a full agenda for conducting a meeting around unconscious bias. The tool is designed to help individuals recognize situations where bias may have impacted their career progress.

The Inclusion Learning Loop™ diversity conversation starters are discussion prompts that enable leaders and managers to drive conversation around business related diversity and inclusion topics.

The Innovation at the Intersection exercise is designed to help managers and their teams apply diverse perspectives to business challenges and opportunities.

The New Information Drives New Ideas innovation exercise is designed to train individuals and groups to think differently and apply this process to solve real business challenges and uncover new and exciting opportunities.

This cultural competence conversation starter is designed to help managers and their teams recognize how cultural competence can impact the success of business interactions.

This cultural competence conversation starter is designed to deepen our understanding of how our actions and decisions effect colleagues on an individual level and impact overall organizational culture.

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