Inclusion Learning Loop Resources

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Microinequities are those small, commonplace things we do or say that make people feel less-than, uncomfortable or hurt.  Because the impact of each act on its own appears minor, microinequities often go unnoticed by everyone except the target – and therefore can be difficult to address. As the name suggests, microinequities may seem small; but compounded over time, they can have a profound impact on the target’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being.  Here are some tips for addressing microinequities.

March 8, 2024

Recognizing Bias Tip Sheet

Tip Sheets


Unconscious Bias

Bias is a very real part of life and every corporate culture and significant research shows a connection between our biases and our actions and decisions. However, we can take some steps to recognize our biases and limit the impact on our decision-making process.

December 1, 2023

Joining and actively engaging in a company-sponsored Employee Resource Group can be a great development tool and career enhancer. Most Employee Resource Groups have specific goals in place to provide development opportunities to their members. Here are some tips and strategies you can use in order to make the most of your ERG membership.

October 31, 2023

Intersectionality addresses the complexity of being an individual by recognizing that everyone has multiple aspects to our identity. “Intersectional Equity” is a term that was originally coined in 1989 by Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw. The theory behind intersectionality is that we cannot approach DEI with a singular lens because every individual encompasses many components of identity and cannot be reduced to just one-dimensional aspect.

September 1, 2023

It’s common practice for employees to reflect organizational norms and values to fit in and move ahead. But when employees whose backgrounds, values and perspectives differ from those of the dominant employee groups, this can be particularly challenging and stressful – and authenticity often comes at a price. If the upside of authenticity is a greater sense of overall wellbeing, then how do we manage the downside? Here are some tips to pursue authenticity at work.

June 26, 2023

Tips for Measuring DEI Effectiveness

Tip Sheets


DEI Practitioner Toolbox


Measuring the impact of DEI and progress towards your goals is a critical success factor. Metrics are the best way to solidify focus and commitment, to demonstrate ROI, and to signal when to pivot, where to stay the course, and what to change. Here are some tips for measuring DEI impact in your own organization…....

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April 25, 2023

Supporting authenticity at work requires systemic change at the organizational level. Here are some tips to support authenticity in your organization.

Empathy is the ability to recognize and share other people’s emotions, and to understand their perspectives and what they might be thinking or feeling. Empathy fuels connection and is driven by our ability to accept another person’s perspective without judgment or disregard.

April 4, 2023

Tips for Fostering Belonging in a Hybrid Workplace

Tip Sheets



Organizational Culture

Fostering belonging is challenging in the best of times. The new era of hybrid working has changed how we connect, interact, and socialize as employees. It’s changed how we experience ‘belonging’ but not our need for it.

Tips for Fostering Belonging at the Individual Level

Tip Sheets



Organizational Culture

Any organization is not a mere concept but rather a collection of the people who lead, work, and interact on a daily basis. And belonging happens in an organization when those people feel acceptance, acknowledgement, and connection. While we can and should approach this work from an organizational standpoint, it stands to reason that creating a Culture of Belonging can be achieved one person at a time.

Being an Ally in a Virtual Workplace Tip Sheet

Tip Sheets


Allies & Champions

Allies play a very important role in creating inclusive workplaces, yet it has become more difficult in the virtual environment. Disconnecting from the physical workplace has posed new challenges and introduced new emotions. Everyone, from leadership down, can play a role in maintaining an inclusive culture – even while online. So, when you’re ready to step into the role of ally, here are some things you can do to ready yourself and increase your effectiveness.

Here are some tips to help you grow your ERG member base.

March 14, 2023

Navigating Your Career Internally Tip Sheet

Career Development Toolkit

Tip Sheets


Career Development

One of the most effective ways to develop yourself and move your career forward is to look for internal career mobility opportunities. Here are some tips and strategies you can use in order to make the most of these opportunities and to ensure you are seriously considered for internal promotion.

August 25, 2022

Quick tips and how-tos to help you navigate diversity challenges and opportunities

Navigating relationships across difference can pose challenges and requires some cultural knowledge to navigate this terrain. Here are some tips for developing cultural sensitivity in your patient/customer interactions.

Extensive research demonstrates that most employees cover to some degree at work and that covering
has a negative impact at both the individual and organizational level. By promoting psychological safety,
we can create a workplace where employees are more comfortable bringing their whole selves to work,
are happier, more fulfilled and engaged and are more committed to organizational outcomes.

With the constant barrage of news feeds, tweets and blog posts it’s almost impossible to keep discussions regarding charged topics such as politics, religion, race, immigration, gun control and women’s rights from permeating our workplaces. It can be tricky to navigate topics like these at work. But, with some basic ground rules, these discussions can be enlightening—no matter which side of the issue you’re on.

Facilitator Tip Sheet: Managing Difficult Situations

DEI Practitioners Toolkit

How to Toolkits

Tip Sheets


Difficult Conversations

Facilitation is the art of leading people through a process in order to collectively reach agreed-upon objectives in a manner that encourages participation, respect, and creativity by all those involved. These tips can help ensure your conversations are effective and productive.

Language surrounding identity is constantly evolving. And while using non-binary pronouns might at first be challenging, using someone’s personal gender pronoun is as important as using their correct name. It takes awareness, understanding and practice. Here are some tips for getting it right.

If you are in a situation where you have privilege, you have an opportunity to leverage that privilege to help and support others. Leveraging our privilege is a great way to serve as an ally. Allies can help amplify the message, break down barriers and secure support of the masses. Here are some things you can do to leverage your privilege as an ally.

Tips for Approaching 2021 with Openness and Positivity

Tip Sheets




Organizational Culture

Quick tips and how-tos to help you navigate diversity challenges and opportunities

Tips for understanding positions of power and privilege and how to leverage in support of goals and the success of others.

An organization’s ability to benefit from diversity and inclusion is directly relative to the D&I competency across the organization. All employees must understand the power in D&I and how to leverage that power to drive business outcomes. Here are some tips to get you started.

Ideas for Developing Skills and Experience

Career Development Toolkit

How to Toolkits

Tip Sheets



Ideas for developing skills and experience to propel you forward and help you achieve your career goals.

One of the most effective ways to develop yourself and move your career forward is to create a well-thought-out plan. Here are some tips and strategies to help you take control of your own career journey and successfully identify and pursue a career joy and fulfillment.

Tips for Maintaining a Sense of Belonging During COVID-19

Tip Sheets



Organizational Culture

Belonging is an innate human need to be part of something larger than ourselves. In this unusual and stressful time of self-isolation and social distancing, the need for connection may be even more critical. We all understand the need to do our part to help mitigate the spread of this virus, but there are some things we can do to cultivate that sense of belonging while keeping our distance.

Tips for Leveraging your Strengths to Find Success and Happiness

Tip Sheets



Here are some tips you can follow in order to pursue a career path that leverages our innate talents, energizes us and brings us joy.

Mentoring Across Difference Tip Sheet

How to Toolkits

Mentoring Toolkits

Tip Sheets



Mentoring can be challenging, particularly when building relationships across differences. But there are some inclusive tips and practices you can apply to build a positive, productive relationship with your mentee

Effective facilitation is an art and requires a certain amount of skill. Here are some tips you can follow to help ensure your meetings are effective and productive.

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