Inclusion Learning Loop Resources

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Tips for Leveraging your Strengths to Find Success and Happiness

Tip Sheets



Here are some tips you can follow in order to pursue a career path that leverages our innate talents, energizes us and brings us joy.

August 25, 2022

This tool can be used to craft employee profiles. It is a great way for employees to get-to-know your fellow coworkers as well as to highlight employee accomplishments and build a sense of belonging.

A quick, fun and engaging way to test your multicultural knowledge, learn a few fun facts about other countries, cultures and religions and prompt discussion around cultural awareness.  You can use these questions as part of your daily trivia contest as a way to keep employees connected and engaged in a fun and interactive way.

Tips for Maintaining a Sense of Belonging During COVID-19

Tip Sheets



Organizational Culture

Belonging is an innate human need to be part of something larger than ourselves. In this unusual and stressful time of self-isolation and social distancing, the need for connection may be even more critical. We all understand the need to do our part to help mitigate the spread of this virus, but there are some things we can do to cultivate that sense of belonging while keeping our distance.

Over the past several years there has been an explosion of activist movements such as #METOO and #BLACKLIVESMATTER to address injustice and inequality in our society and our workplaces.  Dialogue, debate, and controversy surround many of these movements and there is no denying that the windows of the world permeated the walls of our workplaces. So, how do we manage the movements in our workplaces? 

The ERG Sample Scorecard provides a comprehensive list of metrics you can use to measure the impact of your ERG.

The ERG Spotlight Series is a template that was designed for you to use to profile an ERG and share best practices. You can profile and event, program or activity as a way to reinforce the ERG brand and the value you provide to members and the organization.

Effective facilitation is an art and requires a certain amount of skill. Here are some tips you can follow to help ensure your meetings are effective and productive.

Mentoring Across Difference Tip Sheet

How to Toolkits

Mentoring Toolkits

Tip Sheets



Mentoring can be challenging, particularly when building relationships across differences. But there are some inclusive tips and practices you can apply to build a positive, productive relationship with your mentee

Employee Assessments for Managers

DEI Checklists & Quizzes


Inclusive Leadership

This assessment is based on our Inclusive Leader Self-Assessment and provides an opportunity for you to check your assumptions about your own leadership style against the assessment of your employees.  

This short 12-question assessment is based on our Inclusive Leader Competency Model and provides an opportunity for you to reflect on your own behaviors and identify opportunities to improve your inclusive leadership competency.

Don’t leave your career in the hands of your manager – take control. Self-advocacy is a key success factor but needs to be done right to be effective. Here are some dos and don’ts of self-advocacy.

Your personal brand matters. Here are some tip for building a positive personal brand aligned with your goals and positions you for success.

As a way to contribute to your own positive work environment, make these tips part of your regular practice.

Tips for Creating a Culture of Belonging

Tip Sheets



Organizational Culture

A culture of belonging happens when every individual can come to work and feel safe and welcomed for exactly who they are. Use these tips to contribute to your own culture of belonging.

When someone says or does something offensive or hurtful, we can either give that person feedback or stay quiet. While it’s impossible to completely control the situation, the way we deliver the message can mitigate some of the risk and lead to productive outcomes. Here you’ll find tips about how you can provide feedback in a way that is respectful and can be heard.

Non-Inclusive Callout: Tips for Receiving Feedback

Tip Sheets


Difficult Conversations


Respect in the Workplace

It’s seems increasingly difficult to navigate social norms these days. We may find ourselves in a situation where we said or did something that unintentionally hurt or offended someone.  Here are some tips for respectfully responding to feedback that your words or actions were hurtful or offensive.

A shift from creating safe spaces to creating brave spaces may be a more productive approach for addressing challenges and opportunities associated with diversity, inclusion and equity. Here are some steps you can take to create brave spaces.

D&I Council Charter Template

Templates and Frameworks


DEI Council

This tool is a Diversity Council charter template to assist in the creation of your own council charter and strategy.

Creating your diversity and inclusion strategy requires considerable time and thought and resources. Here you’ll find some tips for getting started and setting yourself up for success early on in the process.

ERGs often provide their members access to leadership through strategic networking events and activities. This guide provides a series of tips and conversation starters that helps your members properly prepare for a meeting with leadership.

The member engagement survey is a tool for ERG leaders to assess the needs of its member base in order to provide highly targeted and effective development opportunities, engage ERG members and enhance communication and outreach.

The Customer Connections Worksheet is a tool designed to help individuals explore model behaviors in order to plan for an inclusive and productive client business interaction.

The STAND Framework is a tool you can use to manage bias by rethinking and reevaluating your first impressions. It is a process you can refer to help guide your decision-making process

Meaningful Conversations Tip Sheet

Tip Sheets


Allies & Champions

Difficult Conversations

With the constant barrage of news feeds, tweets and blog posts it’s almost impossible to keep discussions regarding charged topics such as politics, religion, race, immigration, gun control and women’s rights from permeating our workplaces. It can be tricky to navigate topics like these at work. But, with some basic ground rules, these discussions can be enlightening—no matter which side of the issue you’re on.

Sample questions you can use to prepare short success stories that profile employees at your organization and share key success factors and lessons learned.

Many organizations are placing increased emphasis on including military veterans in their diversity and inclusion strategy. Here are some ideas you can adopt or adapt at your own organization.

Being An Ally Tip Sheet

Tip Sheets


Allies & Champions

Allies play a very important role in creating inclusive work environments. Allies can help amplify the message, break down barriers and secure support of the masses. So, when you’re ready to step into the role of ally, here are some things you can do to ready yourself and increase your effectiveness.

There are many ways to respond to the behaviors and actions we witness in our workplaces and our communities that range from supporting oppression to driving inclusion. Most of us would agree that it is far more appealing to support inclusion over oppression. Deciding to get involved and how we get involved is just that – a decision. Often what holds us back is fear and uncertainty. Here you’ll find several practical ways you can step up and get involved.

The Project Planning Template is a tool to help you manage your project from design to execution.

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