Here you will find sample trivia questions that Women’s ERGs can use as part of their Heritage month offerings and to build awareness across the organization.
Here you will find sample trivia questions that Veteran ERGs can use as part of their Heritage month offerings and to build awareness across the organization.
Here you will find sample trivia questions that LGBTQIA+ ERGs can use as part of their Heritage month offerings and to build awareness across the organization.
Here you will find sample trivia questions that Indigenous ERGs can use as part of their Heritage month offerings and to build awareness across the organization.
Here you will find sample trivia questions that Hispanic/LatinX ERGs can use as part of their Heritage month offerings and to build awareness across the organization.
Here you will find sample trivia questions that Disability focused ERGs can use as part of their Heritage month offerings and to build awareness across the organization.
Here you will find sample trivia questions that Black/African American ERGs can use as part of their Heritage month offerings and to build awareness across the organization.
Here you will find sample trivia questions that AAPI ERGs can use as part of their Heritage month offerings and to build awareness across the organization.
ERG Learning Circle Recap
Best Practices
Best Practices
DEI Practitioner Toolbox
Employee Resource Groups
For our Inclusion Learning Loop quarterly ERG Leader Learning Circle we engaged participants in an End in Mind Innovation exercise. We presented a desired future state (The Dream Outcome) for ERGs and asked participants to think backwards and ask themselves what challenges might get in the way of reaching that dream outcome. Participants worked in small groups to turn those challenges into problem statements and then worked together to brainstorm solutions to each of those problem statements.
Sample ERG Calendar of Events
ERG Leaders Toolkit
How to Toolkits
Employee Resource Groups
Strategic Planning
This tool outlines a full calendar of events that ERG leaders can use as a guide when planning.
Making eLearning a Part of your Change Management Strategy
Templates and Frameworks
DEI Practitioner Toolbox
Organizational Culture
Are you committed to creating a more inclusive and equitable workplace? This guide provides a roadmap for effectively using eLearning as a tool for building DEI awareness, competency and buy-in.
Recognizing and Managing Unconscious Bias Microlearning
Recognizing and Managing Unconscious Bias
This microlearning and discussion guide explores the concept of bias, why we have it and what we can do to manage the impact of our biases using our STAND model.
Recognizing and Managing Unconscious Bias Microlearning
This short, interactive microlearning and discussion guide will help participants understand unconscious bias and what they can to do to mitigate the impacts of bias.
The Impact of Bias and What to Do About It
Awareness/Foundation Building
Organizational Culture
Unconscious Bias
We all have bias and although having bias doesn’t make us good or bad, we do have a responsibility to manage the effect of bias on our decisions and actions.
The STAND Framework is a tool you can use to manage bias by rethinking and reevaluating your first impressions. It is a process you can refer to help guide your decision-making process.
Bias is a very real part of life and every corporate culture and significant research shows a connection between our biases and our actions and decisions. However, we can take some steps to recognize our biases and limit the impact on our decision-making process.
Leveraging Your ERG for Personal Professional Development Presentation & Activity
Back Pocket Exercises
Interactive Exercise
Career Development
Employee Resource Groups
Member Development
Personal/Professional Development
The Leveraging Your ERG presentation and exercise provides a framework to strategically leverage your engagement in an ERG in support of your personal development and career goals. The goal is to boost ERG engagement by demonstrating the benefits.
This tool is designed for ERG leaders and members. ERG leaders can deliver this to members as a way to encourage active participation in the ERG.
Leveraging Your ERG for Personal Professional Development
Career Development
Employee Resource Groups
Member Development
Personal/Professional Development
The role of an ERG leader requires a lot of passion, time and commitment. And most of us aren’t sitting around with lots of spare time on our hands. But all that effort and energy comes with significant ROI.
Mark T. Rivera: 3 Ways to Better Connect with Your Coworkers
Interactive Exercise
Ted Talks
Employee Resource Groups
Member Development
Personal/Professional Development
Connecting with the people you work with doesn’t just make your team stronger — it’s good for you too. Whether you’ve just joined a new organization or you’re managing a remote team, these three tips from collaboration expert Mark T. Rivera can help you strengthen your ties with your co-workers, so that everyone can thrive.
Dorie Clark: The Real Reason We’re All So Busy
Interactive Exercise
Ted Talks
Employee Resource Groups
Member Development
Personal/Professional Development
These days, everyone feels pressed for time. Duke University professor Dorie Clark reveals the hidden reasons behind why we’re all so busy, and why we struggle to break out of the cycle of overwhelm. This talk presents a new way to look at the choices we make, and how to create more space in our lives to think.
Leveraging Your ERG for Development Tip Sheet
Career Development Toolkit
Tip Sheets
Career Development
Employee Resource Groups
Member Development
Personal/Professional Development
Joining and actively engaging in a company-sponsored Employee Resource Group can be a great development tool and career enhancer. Most Employee Resource Groups have specific goals in place to provide development opportunities to their members. Here are some tips and strategies you can use in order to make the most of your ERG membership.
Leveraging Your Executive Sponsor
ERG Leaders Toolkit
How to Toolkits
Employee Resource Groups
Strategic Planning
Many times we hear from ERG chairs looking for ways to increase engagement of their executive sponsors and best leverage their power and influence in the organization. When asked, we learn that clear expectations have not been communicated with the executive sponsor and they do not realize what their role entails.
There are some basic standards we can adopt that can support a positive, healthy workplace culture. For starters treat your employees and coworkers with kindness and care. Recognize that we all have feelings and lives outside off work that can impact our lives in the workplace. A respectful work environment also acknowledges and values the different talents, skills, and experiences each of us brings to the table.
Respect in the Workplace Matters
Respect in the Workplace
Allies & Champions
Awareness/Foundation Building
Respect in the Workplace
How we treat each other in our workplaces matter. What are the benefits associated with a respectful workplace and what can you do to help create a culture of respect?
Tips for Creating a Culture of Respect
Respect in the Workplace
Allies & Champions
Awareness/Foundation Building
Organizational Culture
Respect in the Workplace
Respect is a prerequisite for a healthy, inclusive and professional workplace where all employees feel appreciated, valued and safe. We can help create a culture of respect by thinking inclusively with our heads, supporting respect and inclusion with our hearts, and acting respectfully with our hands.
Approaching Intersectionality in the Workplace Tip Sheet
Tip Sheets
Awareness/Foundation Building
Diversity Dimensions
Employee Resource Groups
Member Development
Intersectionality addresses the complexity of being an individual by recognizing that everyone has multiple aspects to our identity. “Intersectional Equity” is a term that was originally coined in 1989 by Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw. The theory behind intersectionality is that we cannot approach DEI with a singular lens because every individual encompasses many components of identity and cannot be reduced to just one-dimensional aspect.
Defining Intersectionality: A Guide for the Workplace
Awareness/Foundation Building
Diversity Dimensions
Employee Resource Groups
Member Development
In the workplace, an understanding of the intersectionality definition and the realities it produces helps us recognize the different ways in which people experience workplace policies.
An Intersectional Approach to DEI
Awareness/Foundation Building
Diversity Dimensions
Employee Resource Groups
Member Development
Using intersectionality as part of common DEI language affirms the need to recognize employees for their whole selves. It’s important to acknowledge all aspects of an individual’s identity because combined, each can shape how they experience the world and the workplace.
Undertstanding Intersectionality: The Missing Piece in the Equity Puzzle
Awareness/Foundation Building
Diversity Dimensions
Employee Resource Groups
Member Development
The theory behind intersectionality is that we cannot approach DEI with a singular lens because every individual encompasses many components of identity and cannot be reduced to just one dimensional aspect.
What is Intersectionality? Microlearning
Awareness/Foundation Building
Diversity Dimensions
Employee Resource Groups
Member Development
This short, interactive microlearning and discussion guide defines intersectionality and why it is important to understand why it matters.