Inclusion Learning Loop Resources

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Your personal brand matters. Your brand should convey the unique combination of skills, experiences, values, and personality that make you, you. Crafting your brand has many benefits including…

August 25, 2022

Don’t leave your career in the hands of your manager – take control. Self-advocacy is a key success factor but needs to be done right to be effective. Here are some dos and don’ts of self-advocacy.

The Power and Purpose of Self Advocacy


Career Development

Personal/Professional Development

While diversity and inclusion practitioners continue to fight this battle from a systemic standpoint, at the individual level you need to take control of your own career advancement. As you navigate your career journey, there are huge advantages associated with self-advocacy.  Here’s how …

The Skills and Strengths Inventory is a resource to help you identify the skills and strengths that make you a valuable asset. Use this tool as a way to build self-confidence, self-reliance, and guide you along your career path.

Your personal brand starts with your personal value statement. This tool provides a template, example, and worksheet for crafting your personal brand value statement.

Your personal brand matters. Here are some tip for building a positive personal brand aligned with your goals and positions you for success.

If you’re more of a Warren Buffett than a Donald Trump, and more of a Greta Garbo than a Madonna, you’ve come to the right place. It’s time for you to get recognized and compensated for your gifts. Rather than buying into the common misconceptions about introverts, you’ll apply your quiet strengths to raise your visibility in a way that feels right for you. Read more

Working for an organization that supports workplace wellbeing can be the difference between just coming to work and loving to come to work.  And, creating a positive work culture involves diversity, inclusion and belonging, learn how.

As a way to contribute to your own positive work environment, make these tips part of your regular practice.

In this discussion guide, participants will reflect on personal experiences to explore the characteristics and behaviors that define a Culture of Belonging and identify opportunities to address micro inequities that occur in our workplaces.

Tips for Creating a Culture of Belonging

Tip Sheets



Organizational Culture

A culture of belonging happens when every individual can come to work and feel safe and welcomed for exactly who they are. Use these tips to contribute to your own culture of belonging.

Tracing the contours of her career, America Ferrera calls for more authentic representation of different cultures — and a shift in how we tell our stories. “Presence creates possibility,” she says. “Who we see thriving in the world teaches us how to see ourselves, how to think about our own value, how to dream about our futures.”

Melinda Epler: Three Ways to Be a Better Ally in the Workplace

Interactive Exercise

Ted Talks

Allies & Champions

We’re taught to believe that hard work and dedication will lead to success, but that’s not always the case. Gender, race, ethnicity, religion, disability and sexual orientation are among the many factors that affect our chances. In this actionable talk, Melinda Epler shares three ways to support people who are underrepresented in the workplace.

Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks: How We Can Face the Future Without Fear, Together

Interactive Exercise

Ted Talks

Allies & Champions

It’s a fateful moment in history. We’ve seen divisive elections, divided societies and the growth of extremism — all fueled by anxiety and uncertainty. “Is there something we can do, each of us, to be able to face the future without fear?” asks Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks. In this electrifying talk, the spiritual leader gives us three specific ways we can move from the politics of “me” to the politics of “all of us, together.”

Our lives, our cultures, are composed of many overlapping stories. Novelist Chimamanda Adichie tells the story of how she found her authentic cultural voice — and warns that if we hear only a single story about another person or country, we risk a critical misunderstanding.

Chip Conley: What Baby Boomers Can Learn From Millennials, and Vice Versa

Interactive Exercise

Ted Talks

Allies & Champions

Cultural Competence

Diversity Dimensions


For the first time ever, we have five generations in the workplace at the same time, says entrepreneur Chip Conley. What would happen if we got intentional about how we all work together? In this accessible talk, Conley shows how age diversity makes companies stronger and calls for different generations to mentor each other at work, with wisdom flowing from old to young and young to old alike.

Looking to get ahead in your career? Start by being respectful to your coworkers, says leadership researcher Christine Porath. In this science-backed talk, she shares surprising insights about the costs of rudeness and shows how little acts of respect can boost your professional success — and your company’s bottom line.

How to Design Mentoring Programs eBook

DEI Practitioners Toolkit

How to Toolkits


This eBook from River will describe questions you should ask yourself about starting a mentoring program, factors you will need to consider, and examples of how this can work in the real world.

Justin Baldoni: Why I’m Done Trying to be Man Enough

Interactive Exercise

Ted Talks

Allies & Champions

Cultural Competence

Inclusive Leadership

Justin Baldoni wants to start a dialogue with men about redefining masculinity — to figure out ways to be not just good men but good humans. In a warm, personal talk, he shares his effort to reconcile who he is with who the world tells him a man should be.

This article challenges the concept of safe spaces, particularly when discussing issues relating to diversity and social justice, and argues that the focus needs to shift from ensuring a concept of safety to bravery.

Pursuing Equity: What is my Role?



Corporate America can have a big impact in creating workplaces that more equitably distribute power, opportunity, and the ability to earn income. While It is unrealistic to expect every employee to lead a movement, every single one of us can play a significant role in the pursuit of equity. The key is finding the role that’s right for you. Here are some roles to consider.

When someone says or does something offensive or hurtful, we can either give that person feedback or stay quiet. While it’s impossible to completely control the situation, the way we deliver the message can mitigate some of the risk and lead to productive outcomes. Here you’ll find tips about how you can provide feedback in a way that is respectful and can be heard.

Non-Inclusive Callout: Tips for Receiving Feedback

Tip Sheets


Difficult Conversations


Respect in the Workplace

It’s seems increasingly difficult to navigate social norms these days. We may find ourselves in a situation where we said or did something that unintentionally hurt or offended someone.  Here are some tips for respectfully responding to feedback that your words or actions were hurtful or offensive.

A shift from creating safe spaces to creating brave spaces may be a more productive approach for addressing challenges and opportunities associated with diversity, inclusion and equity. Here are some steps you can take to create brave spaces.

Speaking up is hard to do, even when you know you should. Learn how to assert yourself, navigate tricky social situations and expand your personal power with sage guidance from social psychologist Adam Galinsky.

There are many factors and components that contribute to a successful Diversity and Inclusion Strategy.  Those success factors will be different for every organization and there is certainly no silver bullet. That being said, there are three things we believe all DEI strategies must have in order to be effective and successful.

D&I Council Charter Template

Templates and Frameworks


DEI Council

This tool is a Diversity Council charter template to assist in the creation of your own council charter and strategy.

John Doerr: Why the Secret to Success is Setting the Right Goals

Interactive Exercise

Ted Talks


Inclusive Leadership

Organizational Culture

Like any strategy, the success of your diversity and inclusion strategy is dependent on setting the right goals.  Listen to this talk with your diversity and inclusion team and use the facilitated discussion and action planning worksheet to apply these concepts to your own goal-setting process.

Creating your diversity and inclusion strategy requires considerable time and thought and resources. Here you’ll find some tips for getting started and setting yourself up for success early on in the process.

Tanya Menon: The Secret to Great Opportunities? The Person you haven’t Met Yet

Interactive Exercise

Ted Talks

Inclusive Leadership

Unconscious Bias

We often find ourselves stuck in narrow social circles with similar people. What habits confine us, and how can we break them? Organizational psychologist Tanya Menon considers how we can be more intentional about expanding our social universes — and how it can lead to new ideas and opportunities

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