Inclusion Learning Loop Resources

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The Inclusion Learning Loop™ ERG Strategic Planning Blueprint is an action planning exercise to support ERG leaders in the strategic planning process. The blueprint and worksheet pose key questions and ideas that must be explored throughout the creation of the annual business/strategic plan.

August 25, 2022

Organizations support ERGs for many reasons including a commitment to maintaining a diverse and inclusive workplace, fostering a culture in which different perspectives, ideas and styles are valued and encouraged, and creating an environment where all employees feel valued and believe there is an equal opportunity to contribute and succeed. Well-integrated ERGs can have a major impact in an organization, which spans four key areas: People, Productivity, Profitability and Community. This document highlights some best-practice examples of how ERGs are supporting the company in these key areas.

This case study highlights the accomplishments the LGBT ERG has had with respect to community involvement, patient outreach and acquisition, quality of patient care, and talent pipeline development.

Organizations have been sharing best practices for decades. While all organizations approach Diversity and Inclusion differently, there are a few key tools and approaches that are consistently linked to success.

This assessment form provides a set of criteria to evaluate current and potential membership organizations.

As a passion-driven group of leaders, DEI practitioners continue to push boundaries, strive for change and positively impact our work environments despite all challenges. To be truly successful in their work D&I leaders must stretch budgets, leverage every possible resource available to them and seek champions in all places.

Leading an ERG can be a challenging undertaking as most ERG leaders need to be adept at leading through influence and getting things done with limited resources. Like with any leadership role, a bit of proper planning, good people skills and creative problem solving can instrumental in your success. Here are a few tips for effectively leading your ERG.

A key component of growing ERGs member base is the engagement of remote workers. Employee Resource Groups are tasked with expanding focus and program offerings beyond the national or central location. Here are some tips for engaging remote workers who are working remotely.

TIAA engaged in a strategic re-launch of its ERGs with the goal of expanding ERG impact beyond awareness building and development opportunities to include supporting the creation of innovative business solutions for an increasingly diverse marketplace. Inline with the ERG revitalization strategy was a need to improve the member experience in order to support membership growth and engagement.  This case study provides an overview of the why, how and impact of the ERG revitalization strategy.

Drives Results Connections To Workplace Workforce Marketplace


Awareness/Foundation Building

Inclusive Leadership

VisionSpring’s Inclusive Leadership Competency Model addresses the concept of inclusive leadership from three main competencies: Leads Self, Leads Others, and Drives Results. This article is the third in our 3-part series and focuses on the competency, Drives Results.

This business alignment conversation starter is designed to help managers and their teams recognize opportunities to leverage diversity – particularly diversity of thought – to improve business results.

There are new studies linking gender diversity and better financial results every year. Read the latest updates. Read more>

DEI cannot be the responsibility of just the DEI practitioners in the organization. Every leader, every manager, and every employee must understand the power in DEI and how to leverage that power to drive business outcomes. Here are some tips to get you started.

The Card Game is a quick 15-minute ideation activity to help participants leverage diversity of thought and the infusion of multiple ideas into the idea generation process. The idea is to have the group, in a round-robin style lend their ideas to a challenge.

While short-term fixes like day–long innovation sessions or ideation labs can spur the generation of ideas, they very rarely lead to a culture that actually embraces innovation. Like any other culture change, sustainable change requires an integrated system approach. Here are some tips for crreating an innovative culture.

The Word Association Exercise is a 30-minute ideation activity to help participants leverage diversity of thought and the infusion of multiple ideas into the idea generation process. The idea is to use the associations of random words to form connections and solutions to challenges or to generate new ideas.

In this article we share some best practice examples that are very innovative, creative approaches to diversity and inclusion. Our intend is that these examples serve as inspiration to you, providing ideas that you can adopt or adapt in your own organizations.

Diversity Council Brainstorming Exercise

Back Pocket Exercises

Interactive Exercise

DEI Council


The Diversity Council Back-pocket exercise is a 20-minute exercise to facilitate idea generation and decision making process.

This framework will help you describe how your Diversity Council will add value to the organization and your employees. Your value framework is going to inform your strategic planning process and will help ensure that all the programs, events and activities support your D&I strategic objectives and overall business goals.

Diversity Councils A Framework For Getting Started

Templates and Frameworks


DEI Council

While the mission and purpose of the diversity council should be highly customized to the needs of the organization, there are some general practices and standards that can be adopted or adapted.

Tips to Create and Maintain an Effective and Strategic Diversity Council

Tip Sheets


DEI Council

The structure, role and responsibility of councils vary among organizations but regardless of how your D&I council is structured, there are some key tips that will help ensure the success and effectiveness of your council.

Quick tips and how-tos to help you navigate diversity challenges and opportunities.

How To Involve Middle Managers In Diversity And Inclusion



Middle Manager Engagement

Organizational Culture

Middle manager engagement in diversity efforts continues to be a chief concern of DEI leadership. With pressure to perform, strained resources and competing priorities it is no wonder managers are not lining up to take on more responsibility. A first step in onboarding middle managers is gaining their vested interest, and critical to your success is positioning diversity and inclusion as a solution not a problem.

Tips For Middle Managers Creating An Inclusive Culture

Tip Sheets



Middle Manager Engagement

Organizational Culture

As a middle manager, you have direct connections to more junior-level employees, are instrumental in the shaping of careers, provide crucial connections to senior leadership and therefore are central to an organization’s ability to effectively institute change. Below you will find a few tips for being a positive driver of change.

The What Would You Do exercise is a 45-minute experiential activity designed to help participants recognize and address non-inclusive behavior, deal with conflict, and work together to problem-solve. Through discussion participants will more deeply understand the impact of exclusion, how to be an ally, and how to leverage their influence and privilege as managers to drive culture change.

Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

Best Practices



Organizational Culture

The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston has been recognized for its outstanding and innovative approach to diversity and often serves as a role model for other banks in the Federal Reserve System.  In this case study with Lora McCray, AVP of Diversity & Inclusion, we explore some of the highlights that set them apart as a trailblazer.

Training Tools:

The Level Playing Field exercise is a 15-minute experiential activity designed to illustrate the concept of privilege and the advantages privilege provides to some.

Tips for building trust with your employees and coworkers

Tips for pursuing self-awareness and deepening awareness of how your words and actions impact those around you.

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